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Step into a world of magic, adventure, and boundless skies! Risen Flyff V2 brings you enhanced gameplay, unique features, and a vibrant community to explore the Flyff universe like never before. Are you ready to rise?

# Name Guild Level Job Play time Action
301 Glaxaiea Instinct 125 Ranger Ranger 1 day
302 mikasamikasa - 100 Blade Blade 1 day
303 Asura Asura 80 Billposter Billposter 1 day
304 ULTRAMAN - 125 Ranger Ranger 1 day
305 FlLLER2 - 15 Magician Magician 1 day
306 FlLLER1 - 22 Assist Assist 1 day
307 FlLLER3 - 15 Assist Assist 1 day
308 FlLLER4 - 15 Mercenary Mercenary 1 day
309 Kurome Unquestioned 125 Knight Knight 1 day
310 Apollo - 125 Jester Jester 1 day
311 leejanyoyo Unquestioned 125 Jester Jester 1 day
312 Numziir - 116 Elementor Elementor 1 day
313 KIFFYFORSALE - 5 Vagrant Vagrant 1 day
314 awtsie - 20 Assist Assist 1 day
315 DAIMOS SHITHAPPENS 60 Blade Blade 1 day
316 Doms WeWontDie 125 Blade Blade 1 day
317 TheFARMER - 125 Psykeeper Psykeeper 1 day
318 col5 - 15 Mercenary Mercenary 1 day
319 MADMAN SHITHAPPENS 80 Billposter Billposter 1 day
320 Gapper12 - 20 Acrobat Acrobat 1 day
321 MHAC - 15 Assist Assist 1 day
322 BHEL - 15 Vagrant Vagrant 23 hours
323 Series Instinct 125 Elementor Elementor 23 hours
324 Zues - 60 Psykeeper Psykeeper 23 hours
325 ayase - 102 Ringmaster Ringmaster 23 hours
326 ViXXen - 112 Ringmaster Ringmaster 23 hours
327 OldSpice OldSpice 80 Billposter Billposter 22 hours
328 Hotdoooog Instinct 125 Elementor Elementor 22 hours
329 Lumpia - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 21 hours
330 ProfessorX WeWontDie 125 Elementor Elementor 21 hours
331 DAISUKE Unquestioned 72 Blade Blade 21 hours
332 RMHere01 - 96 Ringmaster Ringmaster 21 hours
333 col4 - 15 Assist Assist 21 hours
334 TheCrazY - 66 Elementor Elementor 21 hours
335 AssWiper01 - 114 Blade Blade 21 hours
336 LOSLOSIN - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 20 hours
337 Luxx - 60 Ringmaster Ringmaster 20 hours
338 Ussop - 86 Jester Jester 20 hours
339 QPALKADIN - 15 Acrobat Acrobat 19 hours
340 Rayzen SHITHAPPENS 125 Knight Knight 19 hours
341 Mushie - 20 Magician Magician 19 hours
342 AshLy WeWontDie 106 Knight Knight 19 hours
343 MsSick - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 19 hours
344 RmniASH - 107 Ringmaster Ringmaster 19 hours
345 SalesMan - 15 Vagrant Vagrant 18 hours
346 AsHHh - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 18 hours
347 filler001 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 18 hours
348 filler003 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 18 hours
349 filler002 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 18 hours
350 filler004 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 18 hours

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