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Step into a world of magic, adventure, and boundless skies! Risen Flyff V2 brings you enhanced gameplay, unique features, and a vibrant community to explore the Flyff universe like never before. Are you ready to rise?

# Name Guild Level Job Play time Action
101 Turko1 - 15 Mercenary Mercenary 4 days
102 Oppa SHITHAPPENS 125 Ranger Ranger 4 days
103 Turko2 - 15 Mercenary Mercenary 4 days
104 Turko3 - 20 Mercenary Mercenary 4 days
105 loot4 - 15 Acrobat Acrobat 4 days
106 loot6 - 15 Acrobat Acrobat 4 days
107 loot7 - 15 Acrobat Acrobat 4 days
108 Snowy - 125 Elementor Elementor 4 days
109 hanni WeWontDie 125 Ringmaster Ringmaster 4 days
110 loot2 - 15 Acrobat Acrobat 4 days
111 Turko4 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 4 days
112 Mayora Unquestioned 121 Ringmaster Ringmaster 4 days
113 coolector - 15 Magician Magician 4 days
114 Filler - 20 Assist Assist 4 days
115 Swoosh Instinct 125 Ranger Ranger 4 days
116 Markeei WeWontDie 125 Elementor Elementor 4 days
117 haerin TAGAYMO 20 Magician Magician 4 days
118 loot5 - 15 Acrobat Acrobat 4 days
119 loot8 - 15 Acrobat Acrobat 4 days
120 Collect23 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 4 days
121 Collect24 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 4 days
122 Collect25 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 4 days
123 hyein TAGAYMO 15 Mercenary Mercenary 4 days
124 Akita Instinct 125 Ringmaster Ringmaster 4 days
125 minji TAGAYMO 5 Vagrant Vagrant 4 days
126 Seargent3 Marines 15 Mercenary Mercenary 4 days
127 Tokito - 125 Knight Knight 4 days
128 Seargent1 Marines 15 Mercenary Mercenary 4 days
129 OwLaph - 23 Mercenary Mercenary 4 days
130 ILTW WeWontDie 125 Psykeeper Psykeeper 3 days
131 danielle TAGAYMO 1 Vagrant Vagrant 3 days
132 ILTG SHITHAPPENS 105 Ringmaster Ringmaster 3 days
133 Marka - 15 Vagrant Vagrant 3 days
134 VanzTank Instinct 125 Knight Knight 3 days
135 Turko5 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 3 days
136 Turko6 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 3 days
137 Rokudo Rokudo 107 Billposter Billposter 3 days
138 Collect21 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 3 days
139 Collect22 - 1 Vagrant Vagrant 3 days
140 Seargent2 Marines 15 Mercenary Mercenary 3 days
141 QueenOfDiamonds Instinct 125 Ringmaster Ringmaster 3 days
142 Nighz - 15 Mercenary Mercenary 3 days
143 loot9 - 68 Jester Jester 3 days
144 Snip - 20 Assist Assist 3 days
145 lavier - 15 Magician Magician 3 days
146 MidKnight Unquestioned 125 Knight Knight 3 days
147 Filler1 - 15 Vagrant Vagrant 3 days
148 Hinata SHITHAPPENS 125 Elementor Elementor 3 days
149 PlaySafe SHITHAPPENS 125 Ringmaster Ringmaster 3 days
150 Zerav - 125 Blade Blade 3 days

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